6:30 PM18:30

"Management of Rare Plant Habitats in Ohio" B-W Greenway’s 27th Annual Meeting

Fairborn Senior Center, 325 N. Third St. Fairborn, OH 45324. Join us for a fun, informative evening including Jennifer Windus’ presentation, Green Heart Award, State of the Trust, songs, comradery and refreshments.

Jennifer is currently the Vice President of the Ohio Natural Areas & Preserves Association (ONAPA).  She coordinates ONAPA's stewardship program which conducts habitat management in natural areas throughout Ohio.

She worked for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (Natural Areas & Preserves and Wildlife) for 31 years, retiring in 2014.  In both divisions, she worked with land management, invasive species, and rare species on nature preserves and wildlife areas.  She is also the President of the Ohio Invasive Plants Council.


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7:00 PM19:00

Community Chautauqua

The topic is "Supporting Local Food Growers"   This topic was chosen from a survey B-W Greenway conducted earlier this year.

        Date/time:  7 - 8:30 pm, Thursday, October 17, 2024

        Location:  Bath Township Building, 1006 Yellow Springs-Fairfield Road, Fairborn

        Format:  A panel of 4-6 local experts including farmers, grocers, nutritionists, chefs with a moderator.  The panel will respond to questions from the moderator as well as from the audience.  Refreshments will be served.

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5:30 PM17:30

Land Stewardship Meeting


Join Tom Duffee, Chief Steward, and Heidi Geron, Land Stewardship Coordinator, on October 16 at 5:30 for the Land Stewardship Meeting via Zoom. Learn more about our acquired easements and how we maintain them. Please contact Heidi at if you would like to attend.

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9:00 AM09:00

Wenrick Work Day

Help Barb Hensley clean-up Estel Wenrick Wetlands at 2855 Union Rd, Medway. Estel Wenrick Wetlands is part of the Clark County Park District. B-W Greenway has been helping to maintain this beautiful public area. Please wear suitable attire and bring a water bottle.

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4:00 PM16:00

Annual Potluck Picnic

Bring a friend, bring a neighbor, bring your family. All are welcome! Our Annual Potluck Picnic is back with stories and entertainment at Fairborn Community Park, pavilion 4. Please bring a dish to share, along with your utensils and preferred drink.

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1:00 PM13:00

Drive Around with Bob!

Would you like to learn more about B-W Greenway and explore our natural areas? Join Bob Jurick for a two-hour tour of the incredible sites conserved by B-W Greenway Saturday, August 3 at 1:00pm. Bob will share the history and highlights of each property, offering an enriching and informative experience. Please RSVP to Bob at

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5:30 PM17:30

Land Stewardship Meeting

Join Tom Duffee, Chief Steward, and Heidi Geron, Land Stewardship Coordinator, on July 17 at 5:30 for the Land Stewardship Meeting via Zoom. Learn more about our acquired easements and how we maintain them. Please contact Heidi at if you would like to attend.

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1:00 PM13:00

Juried Art Exhibition LANDSCAPES Timeline

TIMELINE for 2024 Exhibition

May 2 from 10:00-12:00, Juried Art Hike at Valle View III

Until June 29, 2024- Create art at Valle View Reserve I, II, III

Saturday, June 29 & Sunday, June 30, 1-3 pm - Work accepted at Fairborn Art Assn. Gallery

Sunday, July 14, 1-3 pm - Opening Reception -- prizes awarded at 2: 30 pm

Gallery open to public Sundays, July 14, 21, & 28, 1-3 pm

Sunday, July 28 - Final day of Exhibition

July 28, 3-4 pm - Artists to pick up work at Fairborn Art Assn. Gallery ( art will not be available for pick up until 3pm)

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11:00 AM11:00

WPAFB Pollinator Expo

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s Environmental Branch will host its sixth annual Pollinator Expo on June 21 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Wright Brothers Memorial. Visit B-W Greenway at our booth to learn more about pollinators and the wetlands in our community!

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9:00 AM09:00

Anderson Fen Workday

Join us Saturday, June 1, at Anderson Fen for a honeysuckle clean up!
We are at meeting at 9:00am at Anderson Fen, 5506 West Enon Road.

We suggest wearing old clothes. Something like a T-shirt with a long sleeve shirt, pants, sturdy shoes and a hat would work great! Also please bring loppers if you have them. We hope to see you there!

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10:00 AM10:00

Juried Art Hike at Valle View III

A walking tour of Valle View III Reserve has been scheduled to assist artists in experiencing the beautiful features of the reserves for the B-W Greenway/Fairborn Art Association 2024 Juried Art Competition. The tour will be held on Thursday, May 2 at 10am starting at the cul-de-sac behind TJ Chumps.

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9:00 AM09:00

Wenrick Work Day

Help Barb Hensley clean-up Estel Wenrick Wetlands at 2855 Union Rd, Medway. Estel Wenrick Wetlands is part of the Clark County Park District. B-W Greenway has been helping to maintain this beautiful public area. Please wear suitable attire and bring a water bottle.

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7:00 PM19:00

19th B-W Greenway Community Chautauqua

WHERE: Bath Township Building, 1006 Yellow Springs-Fairfield Road

 The format of this community discussion will include a moderated panel of local experts in natural landscaping sharing their perspective on the following topics:

Avoiding invasives Boardwalks, observation decks Carbon sequestration

Comprehensive planning recommendations, zoning regulations, Construction materials such as treated wood, composite lumber Cultivars

Water features

Home owner associations and maintenance of natural presence Improvements with pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers

Integration of renewables such as solar or wind

Integration with home gardening Location of compost piles/containers

Location of wildflower and prairies plantings Model natural landscaping communities

Natural lawn care Night lighting Noise attenuation

Ornamentals at nurseries

Parking lots – size, pervious surfaces Permaculture concepts

Placement of native trees, shrubs, gardens Planting exotics

Riparian buffers

Safety, visual obstruction School and Church landscaping

Signage, pedestal, electric, hours of operation Tree “litter”

Use of hardscapes

Panelists include Debbie Downes, Green County Master Gardener; Terry Fredrich, Retired Owner of Habitat Creations; David Nolin, retired Five Rivers Metroparks Conservation Manager and author of “Discovery and Renewal of Huffman Prairie”; Tom Krunkenmeyer, President, Buckeye EcoCare; Elisabeth Rothschild, Regional Butterfly Expert; a representative from a garden center and Facilitator, Dotti e Meade, Chair, Fairborn Operation Pollination Committee.

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